Forget the Pain, Remember the Fight. Stand Strong

Forget the Pain, Remember the Fight. Stand Strong
Forget the Pain, Remember the Fight. Stand Strong

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Here at Anytime Fitness Dupont we are a part of something bigger than you can imagine. Les Mills is world wide and you are invested in a culture, a family, ONE TRIBE. Here is a bit of Les Mills culture for you.

The Haka is a traditional Maori war dance from New Zealand. There are thousands of Haka that are performed by various tribes and cultural groups throughout New Zealand. The best known Haka of them all is called "Ka Mate". It has been performed by countless New Zealand teams both locally and internationally. It is normally performed immediately prior to the event that is to take place: e.g. sports matches, conferences, VIP functions, hui, etc.

The Les Mills Tribe are fitness warriors. We have created our own powerful warrior-call, based on a traditional Maori haka - a native tribal war dance from our indigenous New Zealand Maori people, often performed at ceremonies and as a welcome, challenge or celebration. The Les Mills haka was created by New Zealand’s leading Kapa Haka specialist (a traditional Maori performing arts group), and it holds a clear, compelling message about one Tribe working together to overcome obesity and sedentary lifestyles.

Les Mills Haka Translated:

Leader: Let your hands quiver by your side
Hands on hips,
Hands down by your side (still)
Be steadfast
Let me be at one with the earth

Group: Standing here are the new warriors
We haka in fury at sedentary lifestyles
Obesity is our adversary
Let us do battle
Let your mind, body and spiritual essence be revitalised
Through the breath of life

At the separation of earth from sky, all potential was released into this world 
Group: Therefore, let your true potential be known
Reveal your inner strength & power
Hold fast to the challenge
Let us unite as one global entity
Yes it is , Yes it is, Yes it is
This we decree.

It is time for Battle!!! See you in Classes!!!

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